There are a number of clubs and groups regularly meeting in the village and local area.
Meet 1st Sunday of every month (February - November), walks range from 4 - 8 miles and are not limited to the local area. New members always welcome.
Contact Jane Pope: 01449 615541 /
Contact Jane Pope: 01449 615541 / or Denis Wicking
Tuesday afternoons at Battisford Village Hall, meet for coffee, cakes, chats, outings etc.
Contact: Rita Kerridge: 01449 677263
Meets Wednesday evenings, new members welcome.
Contact: Pam Sturgeon: 01449 676978
Contact: Graham Card: 01449 770747 / 07711 495952
New members welcome. Meet on the 1st Monday of each month.
Contact: Chairman Bill Baldry for information: 01449 672168
Battisford Village Hall - Contact: Graham Pallent: 01449 672936
New members (ladies and gents) welcome. Meet 3rd Monday each month at members houses on rota basis at 7.30pm.
Contact: Sue Budd: 01449 612267